Introducing our new site lead: Matthew Fichter

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My name is Matthew Fichter.  I am a 28 year old Maryland native born and raised in the city of Gaithersburg as the youngest sibling in a family of four sisters and one brother.  In addition to being a son and a brother, I am also an uncle to two nephews and two nieces.  In December 2015 I graduated from the University of Maryland with a bachelor of science degree in Civil Engineering.  Some of my fondest memories as a Terrapin come from attending basketball games against rival opponents like Duke and UNC.  Shortly after graduating, I began my professional career with the The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company (WT) in Bethesda, MD where I worked for nearly three and a half years.  In August 2019, I left my position with WT and set off for nearby Washington, DC to become a member of the DC Service Corps (DCSC) program offered by Franciscan Mission Services. 

While a member of the DCSC program, I lived in an intentional community with 15 other volunteers and Franciscan based missioners in training.  In addition to living in an intentional community, I volunteered full time as the Food Pantry Coordinator at the Father McKenna Center. 

After ending my time at the Father McKenna Center, I look forward to the transition into my site lead position with RAV and the opportunity to gain experience in capacity building and youth development.  I am hopeful this invaluable experience will prove fruitful toward a future career in education and/or youth development.     

Jaleesa Hall