Emilie Austin: Reflecting on the Everyday

Hi, my name is Emilie Austin. I’m a rising senior at American University and I served as Raising A Village’s first ever Operations Assistant in the summer of 2021. Every day at Raising A Village has been different. From working with the Board of Trustees to writing newsletters, I have learned more than I ever imagined. Even small things, like learning equations on Google Sheets, have helped me grow my professional skills. More importantly, I have learned just how much it takes to run a successful non-profit organization.

In the area of communications, I learned how to efficiently plan content and how to present a brand’s messaging while maintaining my own creativity. I loved creating social media posts with RAV colors and icons because I felt that I could communicate the organization’s message in an original way. Additionally, the skills I learned about branding will help me with future social media and communications internships. In the area of board relations, I learned how to communicate professionally and what happens behind the scenes of a non-profit. Although the board meeting I attended was not all that exciting (I’m not well-versed in economics and business), it was fascinating to see what kind of considerations had to be made and what stakeholders were involved. The experience with the board honestly made me a little hesitant about starting a nonprofit because I had no idea that it required this much work, especially the nitty gritty and practical stuff, not just hands-on service.

In the area of office administration, I gained useful knowledge for my academic and professional careers. I had never heard of Trello before starting this internship, and now I couldn’t imagine my life without it! While most students may find office work tedious and irrelevant to their career, I found the value in learning new organizational skills and putting in the work to keep the gears of RAV running smoothly. Finally, in the area of donor relations, I learned just how much work it takes to manage a non-profit. After writing dozens of donor letters, I gained so much respect for every person who is starting their own nonprofit. This often overlooked aspect of nonprofit management is crucial because it helps build relationships.

I am so proud that I have made an impact with Raising A Village Foundation. Even though I did not work directly with students, I still feel that my work matters. I created systems that will improve and maintain the organization’s efficiency as it grows. I built relationships with board members and donors. I shared our message on social media and through other communications channels. This experience exceeded my expectations and gave me incredible insight into the non-profit sector. I am so grateful for this opportunity to help build RAV’s future and to get involved with this organization that gives so much to the D.C. community.

Jaleesa Hall