RAV Makes Campus Connections at the Howard University CorpComm 2023 Event!

Raising A Village celebrated an inspiring day at the Howard University CorpComm 2023 event on Thursday, August 24th. This event is hosted at the beginning of the school year and serves as an opportunity for Howard students to engage with local corporations and community organizations that have a deep connection to the university. This year's event featured over 50 corporate and community partners, including Raising A Village, which has a strong Howard alum presence in its staff and community partners. Our Admissions and Recruitment Associates, Grogan Thames and Jasmine Carr had the privilege of engaging with talented and passionate students eager to make a difference. Howard students were exposed to the incredible opportunities awaiting them at Raising A Village, from capacity-building, leadership, and high-impact tutoring positions to volunteer initiatives. "We were blown away by the enthusiasm and energy of the students we met and by their genuine interest in helping us Reach, Teach, and Inspire this generation," said Communication Associate Anjenee Cannon. "We express our gratitude to the Howard University Office of Corporate Relations for making this day successful and look forward to providing more opportunities through this partnership. Go Bison!"

Jaleesa Hall