RAV Celebrates AmeriCorps Week By Sharing The Impact of Service

Behind our mission at Raising A Village is a dedicated team of difference-makers committed to doing impactful things that matter. Part of that talented team includes Raising A Village AmeriCorps VISTA Members. These community-minded individuals have stepped up to make a difference through service. In celebration of AmeriCorps Week, March 12-18, RAV AmeriCorps VISTAs Britney Padilla, Anjenee Cannon, and Eva Newbold shared their service stories and how being able to give back to the community has impacted their lives. Today and every day, we thank hardworking individuals like our AmeriCorps VISTAs who have found meaningful ways to make a difference through local service. 

Please show your thanks and appreciation for their service by listening to these inspirational stories on our Instagram page!

Jaleesa Hall