After School Homework Help Programs

Driven 2 Succeed after school homework help has been implemented at 1330 Apartments and Wardman Court Apartment for 30 K-5 students from Monday through Thursdays from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Homework help consists of approximately 3-5 Driven Student Guides offering assistance in the areas of mathematics, science, language arts, and literacy with pre and post-testing with i-Ready technology so that parents can track their child’s growth in the program. 

The after school program is a structured two-hour session. During the first hour, DSGs greet students and get them settled in and pass out snacks to the students. After students are finished eating snacks, an hour is allocated to homework help that gives students individualized attention and help to students who may need it. For students who may have completed their assigned homework prior to the after school homework help program, they are given supplemental work that aligns with their grade level. The next hour is for extra-curricular enrichment; both led by  Driven Student Guides. 

Jaleesa Hall