Professional Development: The Learn 24 Workshop

The Learn24 workshop provided professional development training for about 20 local university students who serve as Driven Student Guides, as part of the Driven 2 Succeed Program. The two-hour Homework help workshop offered practical strategies and effective skills such as helping youth get organized, providing an atmosphere that helps youth focus on their work; and by building a supportive relationship with youth. The workshop was very interactive and hands-on and gave Driven Student Guides and opportunities to get to know one another. Driven Student Guides were split up in partner pairs to create short scenarios based on the age group of the youth and the type of assignments students at each site would ideally be working on. Then DSGs discussed in a large group how each homework help strategy might change depending on their learning style and age group. Strategies included: Communication and Tracking, Productive Setting and Routines, and Supportive Interactions. 

This training was led by Mark Weinberger, led DSGs through strategies about the importance of engaging youth in a way that encourages and supports them to get their homework done but also to better help them with specific academic challenges. Supportive interactions in particular can occur in an environment where Driven Student Guides are welcoming and friendly, available for one on one assistance, able to monitor all students in the classroom, and asking open ended questions to give them the flexibility to find the answers themselves. 

Quote from a DSG: “This training was really informative. Now I feel like I have added more tools in my tool box that will allow me to be better equipped to help students with homework.”

Jaleesa Hall